
Great products for great people

CEMSEAL INFRAAID PRIVATE LIMITED is a company incorporated on 17th October, 2017 under CIN: U24304GJ2017PTC099510 with an object of setting up of manufacturing and dealing in Construction Chemicals in liquid as well as powder forms. The Company has commenced production at its factory at Plot Nos. C-1/B-97, GIDC Industrial Estate, Kalol: 393 330 in Panchmahals District in Gujarat. The Company has acquired ‘CEMSEAL’ brand and other trade names from Cementone (India) Ltd. together with the technology for manufacturing Construction Chemicals. Cementone (India) Ltd. had earlier acquired such technology from Cementone Ltd. (U.K.) and Bever Ltd. (U.K.). The process and technology developed by U. K. companies have been proven for over 200 years which gives an edge in developing market for its products. The Company has therefore adopted a punch line – “Building on over 200 years’ experience” .

Together, we win!

The Company is promoted by Ardent Ventures LLP, a strategic investor in lucrative projects. Mr. Harshit Kachchhi and Mr. Nihar Desai are well educated having adequate knowledge and experience in handling the proposed business.


Keyoor Bakshi


Mr. Keyoor Bakshi, aged about 61 years, is a graduate in Commerce and laws and a qualified Company Secretary. He has over 40 years of rich experience of advising a large number of companies in the fields of finance, laws and management. His areas of expertise include Corporate Compliance Management, Corporate Governance, Mergers & Acquisitions and Finance.He has held the positions of the President of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India during 2008 and President of the International Federation of Company Secretaries during 2009. He has been an Independent Director on the Board of reputed companies

Harshit Kachchhi

Managing Director

Mr. Harshit Kachchhi, aged about 32 years is a management professional with engineering degree in Computer Science and post graduation management degree from IIM, Bangalore. He has a perfect blend of over 11 years of total experience with multinational companies such as Oracle, Intuit and Yahoo and a successful start ups. His expertise includes marketing & building distribution channel, product strategy development, operational excellence and systems & process management through IT. He is instrumental in developing and managing well known Gujarati social media platforms having 2 Million+ followers within no time.

Nihar Desai


  Mr. Nihar Desai, aged about 27 years is a qualified engineer with a degree in B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering). After completing his engineering, he worked as Sr. Engineer with Larson & Toubro from July 2013 to December 2014. He headed a team for fabrication project of a mega chemical reactor. He handled operations of a single shift and supervised 35 senior unionized workmen. He subsequently joined Innovative Tyres & Tubes Ltd. and got exposure of various functions including procurement, inventory management, production planning, quality control, marketing, human resources management and overall administration. He is presently managing GAIA Batteries which is manufacturing and dealing in automobile and electric batteries and contributes in all aspects locally at Kalol plant of Cemseal.

Ajay Shukla

Sr. Manager (Technical)

Mr. Ajay Shukla, aged about 26 years is a qualified engineer. He had joined Cementone India Limited in 2012 and was incharge of one of the plants. He headed a team for quality management across all the plants in the organization. He has modified the technology provided by the UK organization for Indian climate in order to achieve best in industry quality. He heads the research & development team and has developed 2 new products from the scratch for which he received awards and accolades. He continues to be the backbone of Cemseal's production unit.

Avakash Prajapati

Regional Marketing Head

Mr. Avakash Prajapati, aged about 43 years is a qualified civil engineer with 17+ years' of rich experience in marketing construction/ building materials. He has worked with Ambuja Cement for more than 15 years as a marketing head for several areas/ regions for business development and support. His depth of technical and marketing knowledge provides a cutting edge to Cemseal in the market. He continues to be a backbone of marketing department at Cemseal.

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